Saturday, 22 August 2015


Peloxacin is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is active against Gram-negative bacteria by inhibiting DNA gyrase. This present research determines the effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii on liver function indices following pefloxacin induced toxicity in wistar albino rats. Twenty (20) male wistar albino rats ranging from 180-200g were acclimatized to laboratory conditions for 7days, following which they were randomly assigned into 4 groups A, B, C and D of five animals each. Group B was administered 0.5 ml of
ethanol extract via oral route corresponding to 200mg/Kg/body weight, group C was administered with Pefloxacin (400mg/5ml) only, group D was co administered with ethanol leaf extract of P. thonningii and Pefloxacin (1:1) while group A. (control) received 0.5ml of distilled water orally. Each rat was housed in a wooden cage. The animal room was ventilated and kept at room temperature and relative humidity of 29°c and 40-70% respectively with 12 hours natural light-dark cycle and were allowed free access to food and water ad libitum. Good hygiene was maintained by constant cleaning and removal of fasces and spilled from cages daily. Rats in all groups were sacrificed 24hours after the experimental periods of 21days of oral administration. The result reveals a significant (P<0.05) increase in serum 

albumin in all the experimental groups when compared with the control. Likewise, serum globulin depicts a significant increase (P<0.05) while groups treated with pefloxacin and mixture of pefloxacin and ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii showed significant (P<0.05) decrease when compared with the control.  Except for group B which reveals a significant (P< 0.05) increase in serum bilirubin, group C and D showed a significant decrease when compared with the control. The serum AST concentration showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease when compared with the control. Liver AST  and ALP  reveals a significant decrease in groups administered with  ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii and   mixture of pefloxacin and ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii while groups administered with the drug showed a significant (P<0.05) increase when compared with the control. Likewise, the Liver ALP showed a significant (P<0.05) increase in groups treated with the extract and drug alone while groups treated with both the extract and pefloxacin showed a significant decrease (P<0.05) when compared with the control. The alterations on the liver functional indices studied suggest that ethanol leaf extract of p. thonningii possess a hepato protective effect, but with the evidence of hepatic injury/assault in groups treated with Pefloxacin which was ameliorated in groups co- administered with the drug and the extract.
The use of chemotherapeutic agents to manage severe and life threatening bacterial infections has grown increasingly over the years because of its effectiveness, mode of administration, packaging, and ease of carriage made it a more usable therapy (Burkhardt et al., 1997).Due to its curative nature, more people ascribes to the usage of this therapy knowing a little about the side effect it may exert on the body.
One of this antibacterial drug which is popularly used in the treatment of typhoid fever both in the developed and underdeveloped countries of the world like the tropical Africa is known as pefloxacin or the fluoroquinolone which belongs to the fluoroquinolone class of antibacterial (Chevalier et al.,1992).
Pefloxacin is to be considered a drug of last resort when all antibiotics have failed. This drug is well absorbed by the oral route. The bioavailability is 100%, protein binding 20-30%, it undergoes hepatic metabolism with a half-life of 8.6 hours and is excreted mostly through renal and biliary clearance.(Loren, 2004). With these broad spectrum antibiotic properties that pefloxacin is possessed with, you cannot deny the fact that it has a very harmful adverse effect that is generally referred to as the fluoroquinolone toxicity which is our major interest in this work.(Owens et al.,2005).Pefloxacin has been reported to have some side effects including the displacement of Y-amino butyric acid from its receptor, destruction of proteoglycan and collagen. Some of the serious adverse effects which occur more commonly with fluoroquinolones than with other antibiotic drug classes, includes central nervous system and tendon toxicity(Owens et al.,2005).The unusual side effect include psychosis and cholera(involuntary muscle movements) (Mulhall et al.,1995). Though, the currently marketed quinolones have safety profile similar to that of other antimicrobial classes.Phototoxicity, neurological symptoms, impaired colour vision, peripheral neuropathy, exanthema, abdominal pain, malaise, drug fever, dysaesthesia and eosinophilia all have been observed as adverse effects of pefloxacin (Domagala et al., 1990). This anti-infective agent which is found to have all of these side effects on organisms, also capable of inhibiting the synthesis of nucleic acid have been placed in the table of researchers to find out a curative measure to these effects and possibly find a way of correcting these harmful properties of the drug, by so doing, measures have been put in place to use different kinds of antioxidants to serve as a remedy to this mishap.(Hopkins et al.,2007).Recently, research have been going on to see how some plants which have an antioxidant properties which can help reduced these harmful effects by using the active  ingredients of this plants to reduce the side effects that have been observed over the years, one of such plant is known as Piliostigma thonningii (Liu et al.,1990).
There have been several reports on the medicinal roles of different plants by researchers over the years, one of which is Piliostigma thonningii plant. The assemblage of different parts of this plant has been found traditionally useful. As a result, people have resulted to using parts of this plant in the management or treatment of different kinds of ailments. Such parts are the stem, roots, seeds and leaf(Bekele-Tesemma.,2007).The stem of this plant have been used in the management of earache, toothache, diarrhoea, dysentery, intestinal problems in tropical Africa(Akinpelu and Obuotor.,2000).The back of P.thonningii could be used to manage cough; this is done by chewing the bark or through infusion. The infusion or maceration of the bark also includes the treatment of malaria and leprosy. The analgesic properties of this plant is also ascribed to the bark.(Cowan,1999). The leaf also serves as a laxative, sometimes giving to neonates as tonic and to massage mother’s abdomen. The leaves after soaking in hot water are applied topically to wound dressing(Odukoya,2002).The barks are used in phytochemistry as elements like alkaloids, antibiotics, bacteriostatic, fungi static, tannins and astringents(Kunle,2010). The pods root and bark produces dyes, stains, inks, as bi-products. The leaves are chewed to relieve thirst, the fruits and seeds can also be edible. The pods and foliage are nutritious to herbivorous like cattle and elephants.(Kunle,2010). P.thonningii is also used medicinally in many topical African countries to treat wounds, ulcers, heart pain, etc. (Siva et al., 1997).
Many reports from different researchers have been published in recent years about the treatment of various kinds of ailments by the use of parts of Piliostigma thonningii leaf on pefloxacin induced hepatotoxicity in Wistar albino rats. The hence, the need to ascertain   effects of this extract on Pefloxacin   induced hepatotoxicity in wistar albino rats.
The aim of this research work is to ascertain the effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigm athonningii on Pefloxacin induced hepatotoxicity in Wister albino rats.
The objectives of this study is to access the ameliorative role of Piliostigma thonningii on liver function indices of rats induced with Pefloxacin by monitoring the serum and tissue ALT, AST, & ALP, with the serum bilirubin, albumin, globulin and total protein concentration inclusive.

2.1       PEFLOXACIN.
According to Bryskier and Chntot (1995) Pefloxacin is a fuoroquinolones, an analogue of the earlier synthesized nalidixic acid, a bi-product of chloroquine synthesis. It is a broad spectrum antibiotic commercialized as Pefloxacin, Peflotab, Albatak in presentation either as film coated tablet taken orally or as a solution for fusion in ample or as flexible bag for intravenous injection. Pefloxacin is a new quinolone antimicrobial agent (Holden et al., 1989). This group of antibiotics include nalidixic acid and its congeners, which are still useful agents for the treatment of Urinary Tract Infection (UTC). Others in this group include those with fluorine atom attached to the quinolones nucleus giving rise to new generation of antimicrobial agent, which is called fluoroquinolones. Its chemical structures are shown as thus ;
Fig 1: THE STRUCTURE OF PEFLOXACIN: SOURCE(Holden et al., 1989).
The chemical name for pefloxacin could be written as;1-ethyl-6-fluoro-7-(4-methylpiperazin-1-yl)-4-oxoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid. The chemical formula is C17H2OFN3O3. Pefloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic (Loren, 2004). Fluoroquinolones such as pefloxacin possess excellent activity against gram-negative aerobic bacteria such as E.coli and Neisseria gonorrhoea as well as gram-positive bacteria including S.pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus .They also possess effective activity against Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Gonococcal organisms, and multi drug resistant Pseudomonas and Enterobacter (Evans et al.,2002).Its half-life is 8.6 hours unchanged pefloxacin and its metabolites may be identified in the urine 84 hours after the intake of this product (Evans et al., 2002).
Peloxacin is a broad spectrum antibiotic that is active against both Gram-negative bacteria. It functions by inhibiting DNA gyrase, a type II topoisomerase and topoisomerase IV (Drlica  and Zhao., 1997), which is an enzyme necessary to separate, replicated DNA, thereby inhibiting cell division. The bactericidal action of pefloxacin results from interference with the activity of the bacterial enzymes DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV, which are needed for the transcription and replication of bacterial DNA. DNA gyrase appears to be the primary quinolone target in gram-positive organisms (Hussy et al.,1986).Interference with these two topoisomerases results in strand breakage of the bacterial chromosome, supercoiling and resealing. As a result DNA replication and transcription is inhibited (Hussy et al., 1986).
The fluoroquinolones interfere with DNA replication by inhibiting an enzyme complex called DNA gyrase. This can also affect mammalian cell replication. In particular, some congeners of this drug family display high activity not only against bacterial topoisomerases, but also against eukaryotic topoisomerases and are toxic to cultured mammalian cells and in vivo tumour models (Hussy et al.,1986).Though the quinolones is highly toxic to mammalian cells in culture, its mechanism of cytotoxic action is not known. Quinolone induced DNA damage was first reported in 1986 (Hussy et al., 1986). Recent studies have demonstrated a correlation between mammalian cell cytotoxicity of the quinolones and the induction of micronuclei (Hosomi et al.,1988, Forsgren et al., 1987.Gootz et al.,1990). As such some fluoroquinolones may cause injury to the chromosome of eukaryotic cells. (Elsea et al., 1992, Suto et al.,1992, Enzmann et al., 1999). Though there continues to be considerable debate as to whether or not this DNA damage is to be considered one of the mechanisms of action concerning the severe and non-abating adverse reactions experienced by some patients following fluoroquinolone therapy (Yaseen et al., 2003, Sissiand  Palumbo., 2003).
2.4ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION AND EXCRETION OF                                        PEFLOXACIN.
Pefloxacin is a fluoroquinolone which is primarily cleared by the liver. Its structure carries a methyl group at position 7 of the piperazinyl group and this structure markedly alters its half-life and renal handling, changing it from one of which there is net renal tubular reabsorption. Consequentially, hepatic excretion and biotransformation dominate the clearance process (Drusano, 1989).The oral administration show a peak concentration approximately 1.5mg/ml for the 200mg dose, 3.2mg/ml for the 400mg dose, 5.5mg/ml for 600mg dose and slightly less than 7mg/ml for the 800mg dose. Peak concentrations increased roughly proportionally with the dose. Absorption is rapid at all doses with peak concentration occurring at two hours (Fryman et al.,1986). Urinary recovery ranged from 11.1 to 17% of the administered oral dose, renal clearance range from 111m/min (600mg dose) to 135ml/min (200mg dose). Thus non-renal clearance accounted for the vast majority of total drugs clearance.
The disposition of Pefloxacin administered intravenously was examined at various doses. The study revealed a terminal half-life ranging from 9.6hrs to 13.8hrs (800mg dose) to 156ml/min (200mg dose) (Frydman et al., 1986). The author concluded that Pefloxacin clearance follows a dose dependent linear fashion. Moreover, the profile of its bi-products in plasma, urine and bile after the administration of Pefloxacin to normal volunteers, were pefloxacin glucuronide recovered in urine (Monstary et al.,1984). They are also reported that for either oral or intravenous dosing of Pefloxacin N-oxide and norfloxacin was found after multiple doses but absolute concentration of the metabolites were low and unlikely to be clinically important. (Doull et al.,(1975) reported that most toxicological studies of drugs used in Nigeria were carried out in western countries with a temperate climate at room temperature of about 25 OC. In the tropics, the room temperature is far above that in temperate regions and Nigeria. It varies from 31OC-40OC and toxicological studies are often affected by temperature. This is because temperature affects the concentration of drugs or toxic agents and their metabolites at specific receptors. Temperature influences the absorption, storage and elimination of drugs. Becker et al.,(1982) reported that in a sedative hypnotic drug overdose, vasodilatation might lead to lowering of the core temperature, especially when there is exposure to low environmental temperature. In Nigeria, the Federal Government had institute an enquiry into the controversial trial of trovafloxacin drug which were carried out by some physicians in collaboration with Pfizer incorporated, USA was not approved by the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration Control (NAFDAC). Trovan, a member of the fluoroquinolones group of antimicrobial agents was administered legally to children during the outbreak of cerebrospinal meningitis (CSM) in Kano 1996.In this trial, 200 children were used as guinea pigs. Out of these, 11 children lost their lives while 189 suffered gross deformity (The Punch, 2001).The Guardian (2001) another national newspaper expressed disappointment that the drug travafloxacin which was not approved by American food and Drug Administration (FDA) even for adults was used for children below the age of 15 years old. Lietman (1995) had observed that as fluoroquinolones continue to consolidate their established position as highly effective and reliable antibiotics, their overall safety provides some interesting challenge investigation, blister fluid penetration was excellent for all the new quinolones ranging from 47-82% penetration. Drusanoet al., (1986) had reported that pefloxacin have a longer half-life compared to other fluoroquinolones. Fourtillar (1985) also reported that pefloxacin has a serum concentration that is always high than the MIC between dose. He reported a steady state concentration with 400mg/kg body weight after 12hours parenthorially and intravenously which correspond to area under curve AUC of 90mg/12hours (0-12hours) compound to that reported for ciprofloxacin by Bergan et al., (1986), Conzales (1984) has a steady state of 750mg/12hrs respectively for oral and intravenous routes. It is also higher than that reported for ofloxacin Metz et al., (1987) and Carbon et al., (1985) which have a steady state with 200mg/12hrs PO or IV but AUC 16mg/12hrs for oral and intravenous routes respectively. Pangon et al (1990) reported that despite the intensive use of pefloxacin therapy, pharmacokinetic properties of pefloxacin which leads to high concentration and thus preventing the appearance of resistant strain exists. Penetration into active of interest is necessary when dealing with sexually transmitted disease where the ability of antibiotics to penetrate into the specific site may have clinical relevance for the rate of cure. In general Sade et al (1985) had reported that although the knowledge that an antibiotic is active in vitro against the infecting organism is critical, it is not the only factor to be considered. They also reported that successful therapy depends upon achieving antibacterial activity at the site of infection without significant toxicity to the host. Hence, the location of infection may to a large extent dictate the choice of drug and the route of administration. Peterson (1989) and Cost et al.,(1989) had reported massive diffusion of pefloxacin into all tissue.
Fallopian tube      r=1.30
Endometrium      r=1.0
Myometrium       r=0.90
Prostate                r=0.93
From above Pefloxacin concentrates more in the fallopian tube hence may be the site of toxicity.Kumonet al., (1985) had also reported that the concentration of  floxacin in prostate tissue correspond to that in the serum. The value of prostatic tissue was 1.09-1.69 during 1-6hours after administration. The concentration was done dependent and showed about 30% increase after the conservative administration. These works also reported that the drug was concentrated in prostatic fluid in healthy volunteers and the prostatic fluid level of serum level ratio (PF:S) was 1.65-1.96.
Pefloxacin at high concentration of 500ug/ml appear to increase DNA synthesis in mitogen stimulated human lymphocytes Forsgreenet al.,(1987).  Above observation may contradict with some reports in available literature. Nalidixic acid, one of the early quinolones shows numerous side effects, which are expected to be in all fluoroquinolones. These side effects of nalidixic acid include nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain Geffaid- Recouralet al., (1994). They also reported that allergic reactions such as pruvits, urticarial, rashes, photosensitivity, eosinophilia, occasional fever, thrombocytopenia, leucopoenia, haemolytic anaemia rarely occur. The authors advised that liver function test (LFT) and blood cell count should be assayed if treatment last longer. Central nervous system (CNS) effect such as headache, drowsiness, vertigo, visual disturbance, astheria and myalgia are experienced infrequently, central vascular insufficiency in particular with parkinsonism or epilepsy in normal children results after excessive convulsion Forsgreenet al (1989) reported that Pefloxacin produces irreversible cartilage toxicity in animals. These authors are also recorded rheumatologic side effects of pefloxacin and that these might be related to the drugs direct effect on chondrocyte. Other side effect reported by these authors includes impairment of liver function with an increase in serum bilirubin and serum hepatic enzymes which may not be too frequent. Geffraid-Recourad et al .,(1994) reported that there are rare occasions where pefloxacin cause impairment of renal function with an example in an increase in serum creatinine. Acute inflammation of kidney, interstitial nephritis and note that these may develop sometimes to acute renal failure Changes in haematological parameters has been noticed. Guyton and  Hall (1996) reported that increase in white blood cells count is a normal physiological response following the perception of a foreign attack by the defence mechanism of the body. Screeniasulu  and Reddy (1995) reported a gradual decrease in red blood cells count, packed cell volume (PCV) and haemoglobin after administration of chemical agents to garden lizards. Umar et al., (1996) reported that the gradual but steady fall in red blood cell count, packed cell volume and haemoglobin was associated with rats after been fed with garlic. Similar haematological indices were found to be low during the administration of PY tramethanine to rats (Salako et al., 1990). Increase in transaminases has equally been reported for pefloxacin (Rhone-Poulene Rover., 1995). These drugs impose complications in subjects with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency in pregnant women, lactating women and youngchildren. Further work is expected to justify the side effects of fluoroquinolones group of antibiotics and possibly discover other adverse effects not yet reported.
In general, fluoroquinolones are well tolerated with most side effects being mild to moderate. On some occasions, serious adverse effects occur (De Serra  and De Sarra., 2001). Some of the serious adverse CNS and tendon toxicity (Owens and Ambrose, 2005; Lannini,2007). The currently marketed quinolones, fluoroquinolones are sometimes associated with QTC interval  prolongation and cardiac arrhythmias (IMB, 2009), Convulsions, tendon rupture, torsade de pointes and hypoglycaemia (Eouveix,2009).These adverse reactions are a class effect of all quinolones, however, certain quinolones are more strongly associated with increased toxicity to certain organs. For example Moxifloxacin carries a higher risk of QTC prolongation (Falagaset al., 2007) and gatogloxacin has been most frequently linked to disturbed blood sugar levels, although all quinolones carry these risks (Mehlhorn  and Brown, 2007; Lewis and Mohr, 2008). Some quinolones were withdrawn from the market because of this adverse effect for example, Sparloxacin was associated with photo toxicity and QTc prolongation, thrombocytopenia and nephritis were seen with sufloxacin and hepatotoxicity with trovafloxacin (Rubinsten, 2010). Simultaneous use of corticosteroids is present in almost one third of quinolone-associated tendon rupture (Khaliq and Zhanel, 2005). The risk of adverse events is further increased if the dosage is not properly adjusted, for example if there is renal insufficiency (Mehlhron and Brown, 2007).
The serious events may occur during therapeutic use at therapeutic dose levels or with acute overdose. At therapeutic doses they include central nervous system toxicity, cardiovascular toxicity, tendon or articular toxicity and rarely hepatic toxicity (Jones and Smith et al., 1997). Adverse reactions may manifest during as well as after fluoroquinolone therapy has been completed (Saint et al., 2000). Fluoroquinolones are considered high-risk antibiotics for the development of Clostridium difficile and MRSA infection (Muto et al.,2003). A previously rare stain of C.difficile that produces a more severe disease with increased levels of C.difficile toxins in becoming epidemic and may be connected to the use of fluoroquinolones(Blossom et al.,2007). Fluoroquinolones are more strongly associated with C.difficile infections than other antibiotics including clindamycin, third-generation cephalosporins, and beta lactamase inhibitors. One study found that fluoroquinolones were responsible for 55% of C.difficile infections (Pepinet al., 2005). The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDPC) recommend that fluoroquinolones and the antibiotics clindamycin are avoided in clinical practice due to their high association with C.difficile, a potentially life-threatening super-infection (Ralf-Peter, 2009). The central nervous system is an important target for fluoroquinolone-mediated neurotoxicity. Adverse event reporting in Italy by doctors showed fluoroquinolones among the top three prescribed drugs for causing adverse neurological and psychiatric effects. These neuropsychiatric effects include tremor, confusion, anxiety, insomnia, agitation and in severe cases, psychoses. Moxiflaxacin came out worst among the quinolone for causing CNS toxicity (Galatti et al.,2005). Some support and patent advocacy groups refer to these adverse events as fluoroquinolone toxicity. Some people from these groups claims to have suffered serious long-term harm to their health from using fluoroquinolones. This has led to a class-action lawsuit by people harmed by the use of fluoroquinolones as well as action by the consumer advocate group public citizen, the FDA ordered black box warnings on all fluoroquinolones, advising consumers of the possible toxic effects of fluoroquinolones on tendons (Lanini, 2007).
There are also cases of irreversible peripheral neuropathy as it is associated with pefloxacin’s adverse reaction (Chan et al., 1990, Vial et al.,1995). Pefloxacin is associated with the highest reporting rate in regards to adverse reactions from any other fluoroquinolones (Leone et al., 2003). Severe phototoxic adverse events are also noted for peloxacin (Rubinstein,2001). Pefloxacin is also reported to be the most potent inducer of photosensitivity in the ultraviolet range, with a higher incidence of skin rash and photosensitization than other quinolones (Stratton, 1992, Shimodaet al., 1993). Pefloxacin has been associated with thrombocytopenia, which appears to be dose related (Chichmanian et al.,1992). It is also reported that pefloxacin is associated with ocular damage when given to animals in high dosages. Manifestations included cataracts, multiple punctate lenticular opacities, retinal morphologic changes and altered visual acuity (Schentag and Scully.,1999).
Adverse effects of fluoroquinolones can lead to patients attending hospital emergency rooms. Many of the important adverse effects of fluoroquinolones are widely under appreciated by physicians and are often misdiagnosed as other medical or psychiatric conditions. Physicians typically fail to enquire about antibiotic use to explain with an acute presentation of new symptoms. The important adverse effect of fluoroquinolones include hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia, QTc prolongation, central nervous system toxicity, gastrointestinal, skin, musculoskeletal, cardio toxicity and respiratory effects, phototoxicity, tendinopathy, angioedema and C. difficile infections. A further factor that leads to misdiagnosis of quinolone adverse effects is that some symptoms ac persist or occur for the first time quite some time after a course of quinolone has been finished, so inquiring about distant-past use of quinolones has been recommended (Kuijper et al., 2007).
Quinolones are probably the worst offending antibiotic for causing C.difficile infections. Some of the adverse effects can present similar to acute dementia, confusion and psychosis. Quinolones are a common cause of cerebral dysfunction, with neuropsychiatric disturbances being the most common quinolone adverse effects. One study found that of all drug classes prescribed by doctors including psychotropic drugs, fluoroquinolones were the most common cause of neuropsychiatric adverse effects (James and Roberts, 2008). Injury to the liver is cholestasis damage. Cholestasis is the reduction of bile flow due to reduction of the secretion or obstruction of liver enzymes and their return to normalcy in most cases takes several months with many reactions. But bilirubin elevation is an indication of necrosis (Hopper and Wolfson, 1993). They identified impairment of P450 pathway as the worst effect on the liver.
The integrity of cell membrane is assessed by its ability to prevent enzyme leakage and intracellular energy availability. Enzyme efflux from a variety of cells is markedly diminished in the presence of excess ATP. Factors such as hypoglycaemia, anorexia, electrolytes in-balance, bacterial or viral infection, lipid peroxidation, increase leakage of enzymes from intact organs. The cell membrane are impermeable to enzymes as long as the cells are metabolising or rally.(Teitz,1986). He added that activity of circulating enzyme at any given time is the result of the rate of its release from damage tissue and of its clearance from the plasma. Teitz (1986) obtained evidence that the recticulo endothelial system may be concerned in the removal of increase enzymes in the serum depends on the severity of cellular damage. He further contributed that increase in hepatic enzymes activity of AST, ALT and ALP are related to liver damage.
Liver function test can be accessed on the following enzymes alanine transaminase, aspartate transaminase, alkaline phosphate but normal range of separate transaminase concentration in the blood is 13-421 V/L (Benbow and Gill, 1997). Increased in already mentioned enzymes is an indication of liver damage. Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) facilitates the transfer of metabolites across cell membranes, and is associated with lipid transport and calcification process in bone synthesis. The form present in normal adult serum probably originates mainly in from the biliary tract (Teitz, 1986).
According to Schwat and Calvert (1990) all quinolones are toxic to the liver, especially for long term treatment and with large dosage. But most serious toxic effects have developed with the use of three agents such as temafloxacin, trovafloxacin and grepafloxacin. They concluded that impairment, hepatotoxicity disseminated intravascular coagulation and hypoglycaemia as well as acute renal failure developed in nearly two third of patients with temafloxacin syndrome (Giardina, 1991).
2.8      DESCRIPTION OF Piliostigma thonningii PLANT
Piliostigma thonningii plant is a leguminous plant belonging to the family Caesalpiniacea, a family that comprises of trees, shrubs or very rarely scramblers. The tree is perennial in nature and its petals are white to pinkish colour produced between November and April. While the fruits, which is a hairy, hard, flattish pod turns rusty brown, woody and twisted which spits at ripening and usually persistent on the tree are produced between June and September (Lock and Simpson, 1999). Locally, the seed is called Abefe in the Yoruba land (Nigeria). Other names include Monkey bread, camel’s foot (English), Kalgo (Hausa), Okpoatu (ibor), ejei-jei (igala,) omepa (igede), Nyihar (Tiv) (Egharevba and Kunle, 2010,Dasofunjo et al .,2012 and Obepa in Yala land cross River Nigeria (Dasofunjo et al .,2013). P.thonningii grows in open woodland and savannah regions that are moist and wooded grassland in low and medium altitude. It is widely distributed in Africa and Asia. It is found growing abundantly as a wild and uncultivated tree in many parts of Nigeria such as Zaria, Bauchi, Ilorin, Plateau, Lagos, Benue and Cross River as well as Abeokuta ( Schuttes and Hofmann,1973; Djuma,2003).One of the fascinating thing about Camel’s foot is that it have a female and a male flowers which occur on different trees in most cases (Burkill,1995).
PLATE1: P. thonningii LEAVES

PLATE 2: P. thonningii SEED PODS

PLATE 3: YOUNG P. thonningii SHRUB.
The flowers are followed by large, thick, reddish brown, non-splitting pods about 30-70mm long. (Burkill,1995). The bark is dark brownish grey with a rough surface, simple, two-lobed, leathery leaves which have a resemblance of a camel’s foot which account for common name (Burkill,1995). The leaves are dig lately11-12 nerved, the central nerve elongated as it points into the notch between the lobes of the 1 leave of about 7.5-15cm long. White flowers, fragment, dropping about 2,5cm long, in racemes alternately leaf-opposed and auxiliary along each branch and borne some horizontally (Coates, 2002).
2.9        MEDICINAL USES OF Piliostigma thonningii
Different parts of Piliostigma thoninngii (roots and twigs) have been use medicinally throughout tropical Africa in the treatment of diseases like dysentery, fever, respiratory ailments, snake bites, hookworm, skin infection, diarrhoea, ulcers, wounds as well as heart pain.( Iwalewa et al.,1990 Jimoh,2005).The leaf is useful in the treatment of malaria fever ( Akinniye, 1983; Rabo,2001). The bark, root, pods and seeds as well as leaf of P.thonningii are used in different preparation for the treatment of so many other diseases like lumbago, stiffness, toothache, vaginal wash, borne inflammation etc. (Igoli, 2003).
2.10   ANTIOXIDANT ROLE OF Piliostigma thonningii PLANT
The phytochemicals present in medicinal plants are basically responsible for the definite pharmacological effects they exert on the human body. Therefore, Piliostigma thonningii plant extract upon phytochemical screening is found to contain some important component like flavonoids, alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, and tannins which plays a very important role in the metabolism of substances as well as protective functions against the incidence of peroxidation and cardiovascular diseases (Tendon, 2005).Piliostigma thonningii is very rich in flavonoids, tannins and alkaloids (Akindahunsi et al., 2005) and antioxidant molecules such as vitamin C, vitamin E and beta-carotene. These molecules are likely responsible for the antioxidant activities elicited by the plant I this study.(Eisenhaver  et al., 1998). The antioxidant role of vitamin E cannot be overemphasized as it has no unequivocal unique function for vitamin which has been define. Though it acts as a lipid- soluble antioxidant in cell membranes, where many of its functions can be provided by synthetic antioxidants and is important in maintaining the fluidity of cell membranes. (Bender,2003)
The liver is an organ having both secretary and excretory functions. It is the largest organ in the body weighing about 1.5kg in man. It is located in the upper and right side of the abdominal cavity immediately beneath diaphragm. The function of the liver in the body cannot be overemphasized as it is responsible for detoxification, metabolism, synthesis and storage of various substances which makes it an all-important organ of the body (Gilbert,2000). The liver measures about 8inches (20cm) horizontally, and 6.5inches (17cm) vertically as well as 4.5inches (12cm) thick (Gilbert, 2000, Glodny et al., 2009).
Liver is the largest gland and one of the vital organs of the body. It performs many vital metabolic and homeostatic functions, which are summarised below;
(i)                METABLIC FUNCTION: Liver is the organ where maximum metabolic reactions are carried out. It plays an important role in energy metabolism. Metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and many hormones is carried out in the liver (Paul et al., 2002).
(ii)              STORAGE FUNCTION: Many substances like glycogen, amino acids, iron, folic acids and vitamin A, B12, and D are stored in liver (Bruce and Carlson, 2004, Glodny et al., 2009).
(iii)           SYNTHETIC FUNCTION: The liver produces glucose by gluconeogenesis. It synthesises all the plasma proteins and other proteins (except immunoglobulin’s) such as clotting factors. Complement factors and hormones binding proteins. It also synthesizes steroids, somatomedin and heparin (Walter and Boron , 2004; Stephen et al .,2006).
(iv) SECRETION OF BILE: Liver secretes bile, which contains bile salts,         bile pigments, cholesterol, fatty acids and lecithin. (Walter and Boron,          2004; Stephen et al.,2006).
(v) EXCRETORY FUNCTION: Liver excretes cholesterol, bile pigments, heavy metals (like lead, arsenic and bismuth), toxins, bacteria and virus (like that of yellow fever) through bile (Stephen et al., 2006).
(vi) DEFENSIVE AND DETOXIFICATION FUNCTION:  The reticuloendothelialcells(Kupffer’s cell) of the body. Liver is also involved in the detoxification of foreign bodies. (Stephen et al., 2006; Pike and Bethesday, 2012).
 (a) The foreign bodies such as bacteria or antigens are swallowed and digested by reticuloendothelial cells of liver by means of phagocytosis.
(b) The reticuloendothelial cells of liver are also involved in production of some substances like interleukins and tumour necrosis factors, which activate the immune system of the body (Pike and Bethesday, 2012).
 (c) Liver cells are involved in removal of toxic property of various harmful substances. The removal of toxic property of the harmful agent is known as detoxification. The detoxification in liver occurs in two ways;
(i)Total destruction of the substances by means of metabolic degradation
(ii) Conversion of toxic substances into nontoxic materials by means of conjugation with glucuronic acid or sulphates.(Paul et al., 2002; Bruce and Carlson,2004).
The liver also plays its function in heat production, Hematopoietic, Haemolytic and inactivation of Hormones and drugs (Stephen et al., 2006). The liver catabolizes the hormones such as growth hormones, parahormone, cortisol, insulin, glucagon and oestrogen; it also inactivates the drugs particularly the fat soluble drugs. The fat soluble drugs are converted into water soluble substances, which are excreted through bile or urine (Stephen et al., 2006).
They are many kinds of liver disease, some of which are caused by viruses. The diseased condition of the liver caused by viruses includes hepatitis A,B and C. Other can be as a result of drugs, poisons or even excessive intake of alcohol. There is also liver cirrhosis which refers to inflammation and damage of parenchyma of liver. It results in degeneration of hepatic cells and dysfunction of liver, another common one is referred to as jaundice or icterus which is characterized by yellow colouration of skin, mucous membrane and deeper tissues due to increased bilirubin level in blood. Cancer could also affect the liver and an inherited liver disease such as hemochromatosis (Benjamin and Sherman., 2008; Pike and Bethesda,2012). Gall stone is another chronic liver disease caused by the deposition of solid crystal formation of cholesterol, calcium ions and bile
pigments in the gallbladder is known as cholelithiasis while the presence of gallstone in bile duct is known as choledocholsithiasis.
                    The major symptom of liver diseases includes:
Nauseas, Vomiting, Right upper quadrant abdominal pain, Jaundice (a yellow discolouration of the skin due to elevated bilirubin concentration in the blood stream.)Fatigue, general weakness and weight loss. However, since the various kinds of liver disease, their signs and symptoms tend to be specific until liver failure sets in at late state (Lade and Monga, 2011).
The most common causes of liver failure include;
Hepatitis A, B and C., Long period of alcohol intake, Cirrhosis,
Hemochromatosis (Inherited disorder due to too much absorption and storage of iron).Malnutrition (Cortran et al., 2005).
Acetaminophen  (overdose),Viruses including  hepatitis A, B and C (often in childhood),Reaction to certain prescription and herbal Medications. Ingestion of poisonous wild mush rooms (Benjamin and Sherman., 2008).
As the liver carries out its various functions, it produces chemicals that are transported into the blood stream and bile. Since various liver disorders alter the blood level of these chemicals, these can be measured in a blood samples. The test that is commonly done on blood sample and liver tissue is referred to as liver function test (LFT) (Berg et al., 2010).Chemicals tested for are usually measured using the following indices;
Alanine transaminase (ALT): It is enzymes that help process proteins.
Aspartate aminotransferase (AST): It is an enzyme usually found in the liver cells.
Alkaline phosphatase (ALP): This enzyme occurs mainly in liver cells next to bile ducts and in bones.
Albumin (ALB): This is the main protein produced by the liver itself.
Total protein (TP): These measures albumin and all other proteins in blood.
Bilirubin (BIL): These chemical gives bile its yellow/ green colouration (Lade and Monga., 2011).Other test such as biopsy, ultrasound scan may be needed to clarify the cause of a liver disorder or to monitor its progress (Berg et al.,2010; Lade and Monga., 2011). 
3.1      MATERIALS
Fresh leaves of Piliostigma thonningii was collected from Okuku,
Cross River University of Technology, Nigeria. The leaves were
taken to the Federal College of Forestry (FCOFJ) Jos, Department of Herbarium for identification and authentication. The voucher number of #25 and has been deposited for future reference at the department’s (FCOFJ) herbarium.
The assay kits for Albumin, Globulin, Bilirubin, Alkaline
Phosphatase (ALP), Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST) and Alanine Amino Transferases (ALT) were obtained from Randox Laboratories, Ltd, United Kingdom. Total protein concentration of the samples was assayed by the Biuret method (Plummer, 1978).
All other reagents used were of analytical grade and were prepared in all glass distilled water.
Wistar albino rats were obtained from the animal holding unit of the Department of Medical Biochemistry, Cross River University of Technology, Okuku, Cross River State- Nigeria. The animals were allowed to undergo an acclimatization period of seven (7) days. Each rat was housed in a wooden cage. The animal room was ventilated and kept at room temperature and relative humidity of29°c and 40-70% respectively with 12 hours natural light-dark cycle and were allowed free access to food and water ad libitum. Good hygiene was maintained by constant cleaning and removal of faeces and spilled from cages daily. 
The leaves of Piliostigma thonningii were collected and air dried for 14days until constant weight was obtained. The dried leaves were then pulverized to coarse powder by blender machine and sieved. After which, 300g of the pulverized plant material (P.thonningii) was dissolved in 500mL of 70% ethanol for 72 hours. This was followed with vacuum filtration and extracts was concentrated using a rotary evaporator water bath at a 40°C. The concentrate was heated over a water bath to obtain a solvent free extract, which was stored in a refrigerator at 4°C.
The animals were randomly assigned into four groups (A-D) of five male rats each in the cage house. Rats in the control group (A) were orally administered with water and standard feeds while the animals in group B was administered orally with same volume corresponding  200 mg/kg body weight of the ethanol leaf extract  group  C was administered with Pefloxacin (400mg/5ml ) alone while group D was co-administered with Pefloxacin and the extract (1:1) for 21days respectively. The animals in each group were sacrificed 24 hours after the completion of their respective doses by cardiac puncture procedure. The animals were handled humanely in accordance with the guidelines of European convention for the protection of vertebrate animals and other scientific purposes- ETS-123 (European Treaty Series, 2005).

The animals were anaesthetized in a jar containing cotton wool soaked in ether. When the animal became unconscious, they were brought out quickly of the jar, the abdominal region was opened along the linear Alba cut with scalpel blade to expose the organs and blood was collected into a sterile sample container by a cardiac puncture. Blood was collected into a clean, dry centrifuge tube and allowed to clot for 30 min before centrifuging at 300rpm x 10min using Uniscope Laboratory Centrifuge. The serum were thereafter aspirated into clean, dry, sample bottles using Pasteur pipette and were kept or store in sample bottle and used within 12hour of preparation as described by (Malomo, 2005). Each of the organs (liver) was cut with a clean sterile blade and then homogenized in 0.25 M sucrose solution 1:5 (w/v) as described by (Akanji and Yakubu, 2000). The homogenates were later transferred into specimen bottles and kept frozen for 24 hours before being used for the biochemical analysis.
The enzymes assayed in the course of this project work included, Alkaline phosphatase, Aspartate Amino Transaminase and Alanine Amino Transferase. These enzymes were assayed in the homogenates of liver and the serum.        DETERMINATION OF ALKALIN PHOSPHATASE                           ACTIVITY
The method of Wright et al (1972a) was used in the determination of alkaline phosphatase activity in the liver and serum in which paranitro phenyl orthophosphate was hydrolyzed at alkaline PH to P-nitrophenol and phosphoric acid as shown in (table1).
The assay mixture was constituted in table (1). All determinations were carried out in duplicates.
Table 1: protocol for acid of alkaline phosphatase activity
Reagents                                                        volume of reagent added (ml)
                                                                       Blanks                          Test
0.1m carbonate buffer (pH 10. 1)                     2.2                                    2.2
0.1m MgSO4. 7H2O                                       0.1                                     0.1
Enzyme source (tissue homogenate
Appropriate diluted)                                       -                                         0.2
Incubation in water bath at 370C for 10mins
19MM PNPP                                                  0.5⃰⃰                                    0.5
Incubation for further 10min at 37oC in water bath
In NaOH (to stop reaction)                                 2.0                                2.0
The substrate was added to the blank after stopping the reaction withNaOH.Total reaction mixture is 5.0ml. The absorbance of the test wasread against blank at 400nm.
Calculation:    O D of Test       Conc. Of the STD
                   O D STD
Where; OD is optical density
                STD = standard
                Conc. = concentration.        DETERMINATION OF ASPARTATE AMINO TRANSMINASE ACTIVITY PRINCIPLE:      
The enzyme catalyses a reversible reaction involving α-ketoglutarate and L-aspartate form L-glutamate and glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase is measured by monitoring the concentration of oxaloacetate hydra zones formed with 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine. This model was described by mohun and cook (1957) and Reimanand Frankel (1957)
Solution 1 contains- phosphate buffer PH 7.5 (100Mmol/l), L-aspartate (100Mmol/l) and α-ketoglutarate (2Mmol/l).Solution 2 contains - 2,4- dinitrophenyl hydrazine (2Mmol/l). Measuring against reagent blank.
sTable 2: protocol for the assay aspartate amino transterase
Reagent blank         sample
Sample                          0.1ml
Solution 1                    0.5ml                      0.5ml
Distilled water                              0.1ml
Mix incubate for 30 minutes at 370c
Solution 2                           10.5ml                    0.5ml
Mix allow to stand for exactly for 20 minutes at room temperature
Sodium hydroxide                       0.5mls                    0.5ml
Calculation: activity in international unit  dilution factor Incubation period x amount of protein in each     enzyme source-International unit/mg protein/min        DETERMINATION OF ALANINE AMINO
                   TRANSFERASE ACTIVITY
The method of assay was based on that of Reitman and Frankel,(1957) in which alanine transaminase or glutamate pyruvatetransferase activity was measured by monitoring the concentration of pyruvate hydrazine formed with 2,4-dinitrophenyl hydrazine.
Table 3: protocol for the assay of Alanine Amino Transferase
Pipette into test – tubes:
                                                                   Blank                  Sample
Sample                                                       -                              0.1ml
Solution R1                                                0.5ml                     0.5ml
Mix and incubate for exactly 30 minutes at 37ºc
Sample R2                                                  0.5ml                       0.5ml
Distilled water                                              0.1ml                            -
Mix and allow standing for exactly 20 minutes at 20-25ºc
Add sodium hydroxide                                  0.5ml                          0.5ml
Mix and read the absorbance of sample against the reagent blank after 5 minutes at 546nm.
Calculation: Activity in international unit x dilution fation period x amount of protein in each enzyme source- International unit/mg protein/min
The determination of serum globulin level was done using the
methods described by (Tietz, 1995) by subtracting the concentration
of serum albumin from the total protein content carried out using
Biuret Reagent Method.  The concentration of globulin was expressed in g/L. DETERMINATION OF SERUM ALBUMN
The method of determining serum albumin concentration Doumas et al, (1971), was used.
 Albumin has the ability to binds certain dyes.  When bromo cresol green (BCG), pH 4.2 binds to albumin, it results in the formation of a dye albumin complex which exhibits optical properties different from the dye.  The presence of a surface active agent potentiates the change.  The absorption of the BCG-albumin complex was read spectrophotometrically at 639 nm.

  Four millimeters of working dye solution was pipette into test tube i.e. standard, sample and blank.  20 µL of standard (50 g/L) or test sample was added to the appropriate tube, mixed and the absorbance were measured immediately at 630 nm after setting the spectrophotometer to zero absorbance with the working dye solution. 
The results were then read off from the calibration graph and
calculated as follows.
Albumin (g/L) = Atest X Concentration of std
Where Atest = Absorbance reading of test
          Astd = Absorbance reading of standard
          Concentration of standard (50 g/L)        DETERMINATION OF SERUM BILIRUBIN                                       CONCENTRATION
  The method of Evelyn and Malloy (1938) was used.
The bilirubin in the serum was coupled with diazotized sulphanilicacid to form purple color that was proportional to the bilirubin concentration in the serum. The sub-sequent addition of methanol accelerates the reactions of un-conjugated bilirubin in the serum and the value for the total bilirubin can be obtained.  The color formed in the reaction was measured spectrophotometrically at 520 nm.
 1.5 ml of distilled water and 0.2ml of the serum were pipette into the test and blank tubes.  0.4 ml of Diazo reagent was added to the tubes.  It was then shaken and left for 5 minutes after which the absorbance was read at 540 nm.  The reading gives the value of conjugated bilirubin in the sample.  The value of total bilirubin was
obtained when 2 ml each of methanol was added to the tube and left for 5 minutes and then read at 540 nm.  The reading gives the value of conjugated bilirubin in the sample. 
For total bilirubin =     Optical density of test X 342 µmol/L
Optical density of the standard
 Where 342 µmol/L is the concentration of the standard    DETERMINATION OF TOTAL SERUM PROTEIN
 Protein concentration of the homogenates and the serum samples
were determined using Biuret method (Plummer, 1978). The assay mixture consisted of:  Sample (homogenate/serum, appropriately diluted)     1.0mlBiuret reagent 4.0ml
This was mixed thoroughly by shaking.  It was then allowed to stand for 30 minutes. The blank was made up to 4.0 ml of Biuret reagent and 1.0ml of distilled water.  The optical densities were read against the blank at 540 nm. Concentration of the protein present in the samples was calculated by comparing them with the standard protein curve for bovine serum albumin (BSA). The curve was obtained using varying concentrations of BSA (1- 10 mg/ml).
The procedure included addition of 4.0ml of Biuret reagent to 1.0 ml of each concentration as shown in Table 1. This was then mixed by shaking and left to stand for 30 minutes at room temperature.  The optical densities were then read against the blank at 540 nm.

(10 mg/ml)
Water (ml)
Biuret reagent (ml)

Statistical analysis data used presentation as a means ± SD of five determinations. Statement analysis was carved out using one way analysis of variances (ANOVA). Differences were statistically significant at P <0.05 (Mahyan, 1997)   

   4.0                     CHAPTER FOUR
   4.1                          RESULTS.
The result of the effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii on liver function indices following pefloxacin induced toxicity reveals a significant (P<0.05) increase in serum albumin in all the experimental groups when compared with the control (Fig 1) .Likewise, serum globulin depicts a significant increase (P<0.05) while groups treated with pefloxacin and mixture of pefloxacin and ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii  showed significant (P<0.05) decrease when compared with the control (Fig 2).  Except for group B which reveals a significant increase in serum bilirubin when compared with the control ,group C and D showed a significant decrease when  compared with the control  (Fig 3).  Effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin on serum AST,ALT and ,ALP concentration showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease when compared with the control (Fig 4- 6 ). Following the administration of  the extract and drug respectively ,Liver AST  and ALT reveals a significant decrease in groups administered with  ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii  and    mixture of pefloxacin and ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii while groups administered with the drug showed a significant (P<0.05) increase when compared with the control (Fig 7 and 8). Following the administration of the drug and the extract, the Liver ALP showed a significant (P<0.05) increase in groups treated with the extract and drug alone while groups treated with both the extract and pefloxacin showed a significant decrease (P<0.05) when compared with the control.(Fig 9)
Fig 1:          Effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin on serum albumin concentration

Fig 2:          Effect of ethanol leaf extract of  Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin on serum bilirubin concentration

Fig 3:          Effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigmathonningii and Pefloxacin on serum globulin concentration
Fig 4 :     Effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin on serum AST concentration
Fig 5 :    Effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin on serum ALT concentration
Fig 6:     Effect of ethanol leaf extracts of Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin on serum ALP concentration
Fig 7: effect of ethanol leaf extract of Pilliostigma thonningii and pefloxacin on liver AST concentration 
Fig 8:  Effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin on liver ALT concentration
Fig 9:    Effect of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin on liver ALP concentration
The biochemical indices studied in this research are sensitive and useful parameters to indicate the alterations caused by the drugs on the hepatic capacity or integrity of the rats. More so, alteration in the biomarkers of the liver function indices might be useful tool to monitor the level of injury or damage by the plant extract before biopsy (Dasofunjo et al.,.2013). The significant (p<0.05) increase caused by the Albumin and Globulin level following the administration of the drug and extract implied that the extract/drug produced an increase in protein synthesis and (or) mobilization or antibody (Puri et al.,1993; Adewuyi and Afolayan, 2009). Albumin is the protein with the highest concentration in the plasma. It transports many molecules in the blood. It prevents the fluid in the blood from leaking out the tissue (Duncan et al., 1994). Albumin is a constituent of the total protein produced in the liver. Albumin levels are decreased in chronic liver disease such as cirrhosis or nephrotics syndrome. Therefore, the observed increase in serum albumin and globulin in all the treated groups is an indication that the extract/drug may promote good functioning of the liver or possess a hepatoprotective role and may help calcium in the blood stream to regulate the movement of water blood stream into body tissue.
The hepatocyte membrane distortion is associated with membrane leakage of the hepatocyte cytosolic contents which is manifested by significant elevation of serum/plasma enzymes of acute hepatocellular damage namely ALT, AST and ALP as a marker hepatocellular damage (Bhaltacharyya et al., 2003).However of this marker enzymes, ALT is the most reliable. AST is known to be abundance in the cardiac muscles, skeletal muscles, kidneys and testes. Thus, any disease state affecting any of these extra hepatic tissues significantly elevates the serum level of enzymes.Therefore, the observed significant increase in serum ALT, AST and ALP when compared with the control for the groups treated with the drug suggest that the drug might induce hepatic damage or hepatotoxicity. These findings are similar to the findings of other researchers (Farombi et al.,2000;Obi et al.,2004;Pari and Anuli, 2005;Dasofunjo et al., 2012). Alternatively, the decrease in serum and liver AST, ALT support the report of Dasofunjo et al.,2013 that extract of Pilliostigma thonningii leaf exhibits an hepatoprotective effect. Likewise, this present work showed that the co -administration of the ethanol leaf extract of  Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin reduced significantly Serum / Liver ALP,ALT and AST . Though the mechanism of action was not studied but it appears that co administration of ethanol leaf extract of Piliostigma thonningii and Pefloxacin   possess a synergistic effect which was able to buffer or ameliorate  the hepatotoxic effect of the drug. Thus suggesting its hepatoprotective effect. Likewise, the significant decrease in the serum level of  total bilirubin in groups treated with both drug and the extract,  is an indication that the drug might not induce injury to the hepatic tissue or caused conjugated hepatobilliary injury on the wistar albino rats.

5.1                      CONCLUSION.
The biochemical alterations on the liver functional indices studied suggest that ethanol leaf extract of p. thonningii administered possess a hepato protective effect, since no injury was observed on the liver but with the evidence of hepatic injury/assault in groups treated with Pefloxacin which was ameliorated in groups co- administered with both the drug and the extract.

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A. Cooper (II) Sulphate (VI) Pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O) 1.50g and solution.
Potassium tartarate (NAKCH4.4H2O) 6.0g KI 1.0g were dissolved in distilled water to make 500ml solution.
B.  Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) 300g was dissolved in distilled water to make 300ml solution (10% W/V). Solution B was made up to 1 litre with distilled water and the solution stored in polythene bottle.
21.39g of sucrose was dissolved in a little quantity of distilled water and later make up to 250 ml marks in a volumetric flask. It was later transfer into reagent bottle and kept in theRefrigerator until required.
Bovine serum Albumin (1%) was prepared by dissolving 1g of BSA powder in a little quantityof distilled water wit continuous stirring and the solution made up to 100mls.
4.    Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) 2.10G was dissolved in distilled water to make 250ml solution. A little quantity of sodium bicarbonate solution was added to sodium carbonate solution withstirring until the pH 1, 10.1, using the pH meter.

Table 1: protocol for acid of alkaline phosphatase activity
Reagents                                                           volume of reagent added (ml)
                                                              Blanks                                   Test
0.1m carbonate buffer (pH 10. 1)               2.2                                                   2.2
0.1m MgSO4. 7H2O                                   0.1                                                   0.1
Enzyme source (tissue homogenate
Appropriate diluted)                                  -                                            0.2
Incubation in water bath at 370C for 10mins
19MM PNPP                                             0.5⃰⃰                                                    0.5
Incubation for further 10min at 37oC in water bath
In NaOH (to stop reaction)                2.0                                               2.0
The substrate was added to the blank after stopping the reaction with

Table 2: protocol for the assay aspartate amino transterase
  Reagent                                         Reagent blank                           sample
Sample                                                                                  0.1ml
Solution 1                                     0.5ml                             0.5ml
Distilled water                               0.1ml
Mix incubate for 30 minutes at 370c
Solution 2                                     10.5ml                           0.5ml
Mix allow to stand for exactly for 20 minutes at room temperature
Sodium hydroxide                       0.5mls                            0.5ml

 Table 3: protocol for the assay of Alanine Amino Transferase
Reagent                                                               Blank                      Sample
Sample                                                                         -                              0.1ml
Solution R1                                                             0.5ml                     0.5ml
Mix and incubate for exactly 30 minutes at 37ºc
Sample R2                                                                   0.5ml                       0.5ml
Distilled water                                                        0.1ml                      -
Mix and allow standing for exactly 20 minutes at 20-25ºc
Add sodium hydroxide                                            0.5ml                               0.5ml
(10 mg/ml)
Water (ml)
Biuret reagent (ml)