As the days go by, none of us gets any younger; the
call of ageing is that which we all must answer.
If we're going to add life to years—and not just
years to life—a few things need to change. Here are some suggestions.
Changing Attitudes
1. Scaffolding
Society hasn’t
provided any structural “scaffolding” for aging. There are all sorts of guides
for the first part of the lifespan, but nothing for the person who says, “I’m
75, now what?” If we’re going to create a better old age, we need to find ways
to help older people lead meaningful lives. Meaning can come from any number of
directions. One is volunteering—older adults volunteer more hours than any
other age group. Another way to foster meaning is reminiscence therapy, which
helps older people make sense of their lives and let go of certain things. One
of the biggest issues for older adults is forgiveness, often in the context of
2. A Lifespan Approach
To prevent
difficulties in old age, you need a lifespan perspective. A primary care
provider needs to work across the age range. So does any specialist. I’m not
saying there shouldn’t be people who know a lot about gerontology or midlife
issues, but it’s impractical to have separate gerontology units in health
systems, except perhaps in very large systems like Michigan’s. Nor am I sure
that, theoretically speaking, it’s appropriate. If a health practitioner who’s
seeing an older patient needs expert advice or consultation, then he or she
should have it—but do we really want to set up a system where there are
gerontology nurses, case managers, diagnosticians, and so on? Children are
different—their diseases manifest differently—so I believe we need pediatrics
specialists. But when it comes to adult medicine, a lifespan approach is the
way to do it. And so far, our system is not set up for that.
If we want to
improve people’s health in old age, we must make sure their health at any given
point in time is good. And we must work to minimize the rate of decline to a
point where they can stay as healthy as possible as long as possible. This is
quite consistent with the kind of life-course perspective on health that is
widely advocated by both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
and the World Health Organization. A life-course approach means that if people
want to age healthily, they need to begin practicing health-promoting behaviors
when they are young—don’t smoke, use alcohol moderately, exercise, watch your
diet, and so forth. That’s very straightforward.
In early 2013, the
Institute of Medicine issued a report on the health of people in the U.S. as
compared to 17 peer countries. The report underscores the need to adopt a
life-course perspective on health: if we want to improve the experience of
aging, we have to start prenatally. The report also highlights the fact that
social determinants of health are shaping future cohorts of the elderly. So
much of our narrative around optimal aging is still focused on individual
responsibility for your health, as opposed to changing society in ways that
support healthy practices—things like health-care financing, walkable cities,
access to healthy foods, the elimination of poverty. The list is long. It’s
much easier to tell someone you should eat this or do this than to say, “We
need to overhaul the entire system.”
3. Retire from Driving
Studies show that
older drivers have higher crash rates per mile driven than most other segments
of the population. Older drivers are also frailer and therefore more vulnerable
to injury. This suggests we should all plan to “retire” from driving when we
get older, much as we retire from other things. But few people plan for that.
Many people are downright naïve and in retirement move to a mountaintop, which
means they’re dependent on driving.
Better public transportation
would help. Livable cities, where you can get your needs met without having to
drive, would also be good. In the meantime, the best idea I’ve heard about is a
group of older people in Maine who got together and decided to share ownership
of a car and to share a driver. It’s still a private car, but it’s not the
senior shuttle, and it’s not a van for the disabled. It seems to me this is a
plan many of us could adopt.
4. Rethink Dementia
We’ve invested a
lot of energy and resources into the effort to find new drugs and means of
earlier detection of Alzheimer’s and dementia, instead of looking for more
holistic ways to care for those who already have the disease. The British
psychologist Thomas Kitwood wrote at length about the importance of working
with the existing capacities of people with Alzheimer’s. Kitwood’s aim was to
understand, as far as possible, what care is like from the point of view of the
person with dementia, and he identified a number of psychological and social
factors that must be met in order for people with dementia to maintain
well-being—chief among them comfort, attachment, inclusion, occupation, and
identity. Closer to home, Anne Basting of the University of Wisconsin,
Milwaukee, offers a cultural critique of dementia care in her book Forget Memory
(2009). Basting stresses the importance of engaging persons with Alzheimer’s
and other dementias in activities that focus on the present, and she includes
examples of innovative programs that stimulate growth, humor, and emotional
connection. In The Moral Challenge of Alzheimer Disease (2000), Stephen Post of
Stony Brook University takes an ethical look at the way we treat people with
Alzheimer’s and dementia and criticizes our “hypercognitive society” for
placing inordinate emphasis on people’s powers of rational thinking and memory.
Changing Environments
5. Social Life
Social engagement
is a critical component of healthy aging, so in thinking about aging, and in
designing both clinical and policy interventions, we need to pay attention to
the social life of older adults. When we design residential facilities and care
programs, we need to recognize that the social component of those facilities
and programs is an important—and positive—attribute. When we’re creating an
intervention to promote mobility and exercise, we should think about including
an obvious social component that encourages and facilitates social connections.
Walking groups in malls or parks or neighborhoods, for example, give people the
opportunity to connect with one another while exercising.
6. Age-Friendly Cities
worldwide are aging rapidly, and it’s incumbent on cities and communities to
strive to meet the needs of this growing demographic. Through its Global
Network of Age-Friendly Cities and Communities, the World Health Organization
is identifying those cities around the world that are actively trying to better
meet the needs of residents over 60 by integrating an aging perspective into
urban planning and creating age-friendly urban environments. Cities and
communities in the network are of varying sizes and involve a range of cultural
and socioeconomic contexts, but they are linked by a common commitment to
reducing or eliminating barriers and expanding services in such key areas as
housing, transportation, communication, health care, and outdoor spaces and
7. Better Nursing Homes
Without common
quality measures and agreement on definitions, it’s hard to assess what’s
happening in nursing homes across the U. S.—let alone across the world. What
constitutes diabetes? How do you define incontinence? What do we mean by a
nursing-home “bed”? For the past two decades, my research group has been
working to establish standard measures for nursing-home assessments.
We’ve developed
international standards and at least 20 measurement instruments that are being
used by nursing homes around the world. We’ve developed clinical assessment
protocols, or CAPS, that help identify major problem areas and offer guidelines
on how to address those problems. Our work now extends far beyond nursing homes
and is being applied in the areas of mental health, pediatrics, intellectual
disability, palliative care, and prison populations.
Brant Fries,
Professor, Health Management and Policy; Research Professor, U-M Institute of
In the broader
world of long-term care and nursing homes, there’s much discussion of the need
to move away from what Dr. Bill Thomas, founder of the Green House Project,
describes as “a factory, assembly-line approach to care” and toward a more
diffuse, community-oriented approach that “enriches all of our lives,
caregiver, family member, and elder alike.” As Thomas argues, “We do damage to
people of all ages when we fail to honor and care for the frailest and chronic,
most chronically ill among us.” Thomas is convinced the baby boom generation
will force a change. When baby boomers were kids, he says, there were just
three flavors of ice cream. Now there are thousands. Today there are “just a
few flavors of long-term care for the elderly.” But when the boomers work their
way through the system, “there will be a thousand flavors. And that’s the way
it should be.”
We need to
examine—and find ways to reduce—the use of antipsychotic drugs in nursing-home
patients. Between 60 and 70 percent of nursing-home residents have
dementia—often in combination with depression—and as recently as four years
ago, one in four of them was on antipsychotics. There is substantial literature
on how to treat the behavioral symptoms of dementia without resorting to
psychotropic drugs. Nursing staff members need to be trained and encouraged to
do that.
A promising trend
is the recent emergence of nursing home physician-specialists—sometimes
referred to as SNFists, or Skilled Nursing Facility specialists. Similar to
hospitalists, SNFists exclusively manage patients in skilled-nursing facilities
and also follow patients from the hospital into post-acute care in nursing
homes. Patients benefit from the consistency in care, and there are signs that
SNFists help reduce hospital readmission rates.
8. Home Care
Increasingly, we’re
trying to help move people out of nursing homes or not put them in nursing
homes in the first place. My research group is working with several states to
develop algorithms and instruments to determine who needs to go into a nursing
home, who’s eligible for care, and who can be cared for outside of a nursing
home. States are looking for ways to reduce Medicaid expenditures, and one way
to do that is to identify those individuals who could be cared for equally well
in a different setting, or with fewer resources. Globally, whole nations are
adopting these same instruments.
Home care is
clearly a growing trend. Many countries are asking how they can provide a
continuum of services to let people age healthily at home rather than in
institutions. In England, there’s talk of substituting home care for costly
skilled care in nursing homes. The Scottish National Health System is working
to develop a telephone triage system to help keep seniors from overusing
emergency-room services—an important factor in making it easier for older
adults to live at home. But since both home care and assisted living are much
less regulated than nursing-home care, we need to examine the quality of care
people receive in home settings and identify problem areas.
Changing Systems
9. Experience Corps
A promising idea to
promote social engagement among older adults is a program called Experience
Corps, launched by Columbia University epidemiologist Linda Fried and her
colleagues. A community-based volunteer program that pairs older adults with
school kids, Experience Corps is designed to bolster the academic success of
children while promoting the health and well-being of seniors. This kind of
intergenerational program is precisely the sort of intervention we need to be
10. Long-term Care
If there’s one
best-practice idea we should adopt in the U.S., it’s social insurance for
long-term care. Japan has had it since 2000 or 2001, Germany since 1995, and
the Netherlands for even longer. South Korea started a mandatory long-term care
insurance program a couple of years ago, and Taiwan is considering doing the
Clearly the U.S. is
not ready to take on another major new initiative like long-term care, but we
should be thinking about it. On average, older Americans can expect to spend
three years in need of assistance for functional disability. According to the
most recent figures, the average cost of full-scale nursing care in the U.S. is
$82,000 a year. You can easily become destitute. High-income Americans can
presumably afford the high cost of care, and low-income Americans have
Medicaid, so it’s primarily the middle class who will suffer.
11. Multiple Chronic Conditions
Because of the
specialization that defines our medical care system, our overall system is set
up to deal with chronic conditions one by one by one—but it’s not uncommon to
find older adults who have ten or more chronic conditions. To make real
progress on dealing with the challenges of multiple chronic conditions, or
MCCs, three things must happen: 1) We need to improve our data-sharing systems
and induce health care providers to share information among different specialty
groups. 2) We need to adopt a community-based approach to chronic-disease
management—which we can do in part by training, certifying, and supervising
community health workers to work across conditions and be part of a clinical
care team that isn’t specialty-oriented. 3) We need to find creative ways to
close the gap between what happens to a person in the clinic and what happens
in day-to-day life. Health care providers can work with local supermarkets, for
example, to provide educational sessions and healthy-food coupons to people
with chronic conditions, and with park and recreation facilities to lower
admission fees and even donate services.
In 2010, the U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services issued a framework for addressing
multiple chronic conditions, and that effort has inspired a great deal of
research, much of it focused on the need to develop clinical practice guidelines
for people with co-morbidities. Often, what doctors prescribe for managing one
disease will contradict or counteract the regimen prescribed for another
condition. Patients can easily feel overwhelmed and depressed. In fact,
depression is higher in patients with MCCs, and with depression comes a host of
problems—including lack of motivation for self-care. We need to address that..
12. No More Fee-for-Service
If we’re going to
control both Medicare and private spending for senior health care, we need to
move away from a strong fee-for-service orientation and toward a system that
gives both hospitals and physicians greater incentives for thinking about
efficiency. The Affordable Care Act has created some momentum for this, and
there’s some acknowledgement on the provider side that the old system is going
away, but this may not be enough to move the needle.
13. Telemedicine
Telemedicine can
connect older adults with health care providers regardless of location, time,
and geography. The most significant recent development is “telehome care”—or
in-home monitoring of chronic illness—which can range from a simple alert
system for people who find themselves in an emergency situation, to ongoing
monitoring of conditions like diabetes and congestive heart failure, to the
design of unobtrusive environments for detecting and measuring health issues
like food or liquid intake.
Chronic illness is
on the rise, and more people are living to older age, so this technology is
likely to become more common. And in-home devices are becoming less expensive.
14. National Health ID
Some countries,
like Belgium, have adopted a national health I.D. system that uses electronic
records, so that providers can, with permission, access a patient’s personal
health history. So if an older person shows up at a hospital in a confused
state, a provider can find out whether that person has dementia or some other
condition that might explain his or her confusion. This can be critical to
saving lives and determining treatment. It’s a system Nigeria should adopt.
15. Advanced Directives That Work
In general, our
system in Africa. is not equipped to help people efficiently and expeditiously
draft advanced care directives for end-of-life treatment, including Do Not
Resuscitate orders, or DNRs. As I discovered when I set out to draft an
airtight advanced directive for myself, each individual state has its own
requirements, and few have any language to deal with the issue of intellectual
disability. We need a more accessible and systematic way of helping people set
up advanced directives for end-of-life care.
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