Wednesday, 14 August 2019

10 Ways to Boost Male Fertility and Increase Sperm Count

Here are 10 science-backed ways to boost sperm count and increase fertility in men.

1. Take D-Aspartic Acid Supplements

D-aspartic acid (D-AA) is a form of aspartic acid, a type of amino acid that's sold as a dietary supplement.
It should not be confused with L-aspartic acid, which makes up the structure of many proteins and is far more common than D-AA.

D-AA is mainly present in certain glands, such as the testicles, as well as in semen and sperm cells.
Researchers believe that D-AA is implicated in male fertility. In fact, D-AA levels are significantly lower in infertile men than fertile men (3Trusted Source).

This is supported by studies showing that D-AA supplements may increase levels of testosterone, the male sex hormone that plays an essential role in male fertility.
For instance, an observational study in infertile men suggested that taking 2.66 grams of D-AA for three months increased their testosterone levels by 30–60% and sperm count and motility by 60–100%.

The number of pregnancies also increased among their partners.
Additionally, a controlled study in healthy men showed that taking 3 grams of D-AA supplements daily for two weeks increased testosterone levels by 42% (5Trusted Source).
If you are interested in trying a d-aspartic acid supplement, there is a good selection available on Amazon.

However, the evidence is not entirely consistent. Studies in athletes or strength-trained men with normal to high testosterone levels found that D-AA didn't increase its levels further and even reduced them at high dose
Taken together, the current evidence indicates that D-AA supplements may improve fertility in men with low testosterone levels, while they don't consistently provide additional benefits in men with normal to high levels.
Further studies need to investigate the potential long-term risks and benefits of D-AA supplements in humans.
Summary: D-aspartic acid (D-AA) supplements may improve testosterone levels and fertility in infertile men or those with low testosterone levels. However, scientists haven't reached a definite conclusion at this point.

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercising not only improves your confidence and physical performance — it may also raise your testosterone levels.
Studies show that men who exercise regularly have higher testosterone levels and better semen quality than men who are inactive.
However, you should avoid too much exercise, as it may have the opposite effect and potentially reduce testosterone levels. Adequate zinc intake can minimize this risk
If you rarely exercise but want to improve your fertility, becoming more physically active should be one of your top priorities.
Summary: Exercising regularly can boost your testosterone levels and improve your fertility.

3. Get Enough Vitamin C

Oxidative stress is when levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) reach harmful levels in the body.
It happens when the body's own antioxidant defenses are overwhelmed because of disease, old age, an unhealthy lifestyle or environmental pollutants

ROS are constantly being produced in the body, but their levels are kept in check in healthy people. High levels of ROS may promote tissue injury and inflammation, increasing the risk of chronic disease

There is also some evidence that oxidative stress and excessively high levels of ROS may lead to infertility in men.
Adequate intake of antioxidants, such as vitamin C, may help counteract some of these harmful effects. There is also some evidence that vitamin C supplements may improve semen quality.
A study in infertile men showed that taking 1,000-mg vitamin C supplements twice a day for up to two months increased sperm motility by 92% and sperm count by more than 100%. It also reduced the proportion of deformed sperm cells by 55%

Another observational study in Indian industrial workers suggested that taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C five times a week for three months may protect against DNA damage caused by ROS in sperm cells.
Vitamin C supplements also significantly improved sperm count and motility, while reducing the numbers of deformed sperm cells

Taken together, these findings suggest that vitamin C may help improve fertility in infertile men suffering from oxidative stress.
However, controlled studies are needed before any definite claims can be made.
Summary: Oxidative stress may lead to infertility in men. Some evidence indicates that taking antioxidant supplements, such as vitamin C, may improve fertility.

4. Relax and Minimize Stress

Stress may reduce your sexual satisfaction and impair your fertility
Researchers believe the hormone cortisol may partly explain these adverse effects of stress.
Prolonged stress raises levels of cortisol, which has strong negative effects on testosterone. When cortisol goes up, testosterone levels tend to go down
While severe, unexplained anxiety is typically treated with medication, milder forms of stress can be alleviated by numerous relaxation techniques.
Stress management can be as simple as taking a walk in nature, meditating, exercising or spending time with friends.
Summary: Stress can reduce sexual satisfaction and fertility. Stress management and relaxation should be high on your agenda.

5. Get Enough Vitamin D

Vitamin D is another nutrient that may boost your testosterone levels.
One observational study showed that vitamin D-deficient men were more likely to have low testosterone levels

A controlled study in 65 men with low testosterone levels and vitamin D deficiency supported these findings. Taking 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 every day for one year increased their testosterone levels by around 25%

Additionally, high vitamin D levels are linked to greater sperm motility, but the evidence is conflicting.
Summary: Taking vitamin D supplements may boost testosterone levels in vitamin D-deficient men with low testosterone levels.

6. Try Tribulus Terrestris

Tribulus terrestris, also known as puncturevine, is a medicinal herb frequently used to enhance male fertility.
One study in men with low sperm counts showed that taking 6 grams of tribulus root daily for two months improved erectile function and libido

While Tribulus terrestris does not raise testosterone levels, research indicates that it may possibly enhance the libido-promoting effects of testosterone

However, further studies need to confirm its aphrodisiac properties and evaluate the long-term risks and benefits of supplementing with it.
Summary: One study suggests that Tribulus terrestris may enhance libido and erectile function in men, but the current evidence is weak.

7. Take Fenugreek Supplements

Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a popular culinary and medicinal herb.
One study in 30 men who strength-trained four times a week analyzed the effects of taking 500 mg of fenugreek extract daily.

The men experienced significantly increased testosterone levels, strength and fat loss, compared to a placebo

Another study in 60 healthy men showed that taking 600 mg of Testofen, a supplement made from fenugreek seed extract and minerals, daily for six weeks improved libido, sexual performance and strength

These findings were confirmed by another, larger study in 120 healthy men. Taking 600 mg of Testofen every day for three months improved self-reported erectile function and the frequency of sexual activity

Also, the supplement significantly increased testosterone levels.
Keep in mind that all of these studies examined fenugreek extracts. It is unlikely that whole fenugreek, which is used in cooking and herbal tea, is as effective.
Summary: A few studies examining the use of fenugreek to improve sexual performance and libido have shown promise. However, most studies used a fenugreek seed extract supplement.

8. Get Enough Zinc

Zinc is an essential mineral found in high amounts in animal foods, such as meat, fish, eggs and shellfish.
Adequate zinc intake appears to be one of the cornerstones of male fertility.
Observational studies show that low zinc status or deficiency is associated with low testosterone levels, poor sperm quality and an increased risk of male infertility

Also, taking zinc supplements increases testosterone levels and sperm count in those who are low in zin

Furthermore, zinc supplements may reduce the decrease in testosterone levels that's associated with excessive amounts of high-intensity exercise
Controlled trials need to confirm these observational findings.
Summary: Taking zinc supplements may increase testosterone levels and improve fertility in men with low zinc status or deficiency.

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9. Consider Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a medicinal herb that has been used in India since ancient times.
Studies suggest that ashwagandha may improve male fertility by boosting testosterone levels.
One study in men with low sperm cell counts showed that taking 675 mg of ashwagandha root extract per day for three months significantly improved fertility.
Specifically, it increased sperm counts by 167%, semen volume by 53% and sperm motility by 57%, compared to the start of the study. In comparison, minimal improvements were detected among those who got a placebo treatment

Increased testosterone levels may be partly responsible for these benefits.
A study in 57 young men following a strength-training program showed that consuming 600 mg of ashwagandha root extract daily significantly increased testosterone levels, muscle mass and strength, compared to a placebo

These findings are supported by observational evidence indicating that ashwagandha supplements may improve sperm counts, sperm motility, antioxidant status and testosterone levels
Summary: Ashwagandha is a medicinal herb that may increase testosterone levels and improve male fertility.

10. Eat Maca Root

Maca root is a popular plant food that originated from central Peru. Traditionally, it has been used for its ability to enhance libido and fertility.
Several studies in men showed that taking 1.5–3 grams of dried maca root for three months improved self-reported sexual desire or libido

Studies also suggest that maca root may improve sexual performance. In men with mild erectile dysfunction, 2.4 grams of dried maca root slightly improved self-reported erectile function and sexual well-being

Taking 1.75 grams of maca root powder every day for three months also increased sperm counts and motility in healthy men

These findings have been partly confirmed by reviews, but the researchers noted that the evidence is weak and more research is needed before definite claims can be made

Additionally, maca root doesn't seem to affect hormone levels. Taking 1.5–3 grams of maca root per day for three months had no effects on testosterone or other reproductive hormones in healthy, fertile men
Summary: Taking maca root supplements may improve libido, as well as fertility and sexual performance.

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