Tuesday, 13 August 2019

6 Simple Herbs to Help Boost Fertility to in Women


Here are three herbs that can help you get your fertility back in check:

Red Raspberry Leaf for Fertility

Probably the most widely known herb when it comes to making and having babies, red rasberry leaf is rich in nutrients like calcium, iron and B vitamins.

This herb can help to regulate menstrual cycles, making ovulation easier to predict which will increase your chances of conception. Red raspberry leaf also contains an alkaloid called fragine, which helps to strengthen the uterine wall – super useful if you do conceive in making that little baby stick.

Alfalfa for Fertility

High in vitamins such as C, E, and K alfalfa is actually known as a super-food, used to treat a wide variety of health conditions.
For fertility, alfalfa gives your body a boost of minerals that are essential for a strong, healthy reproductive system. Not to mention alfalfa is a phytoestrogen…if you’re scratching your head you’re not alone!

Simply put, it blocks estrogen from its receptors, which helps regulate fluctuating levels of estrogen (which can be another common fertility issue).

Stinging Nettle for Fertility

As with red raspberry leaf, nettle also acts as a uterine tonic helping to strengthen and tone the uterus making a great home for a tiny growing baby.

High in calcium and magnesium, this herb also cleanses and detoxifies to clear the system of harmful toxins that may be affecting fertility. As if all that isn’t enough, stinging nettle also has a calming effect and can help reduce stress, which has a major impact on fertility.
Additional Herbs to get Pregnant Fast – Herbal Teas, Supplements, Essential Oils

In addition to these herbs for fertility, the following supplements are recommended for getting pregnant naturally.

Fish Oil

Adequate intake of Omega-3s via a high-quality supplement is extremely important for a healthy pregnancy and baby.


Folate is most beneficial to a pregnancy when taken a few months in advance. Women who are trying to conceive should get at least 2,000 micrograms a day. We’re learning that a growing number of people struggle to process the synthetic version (folic acid) and benefit more by taking folate, methylfolate, or a high quality prenatal vitamin that contains the natural methylated form.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to all kinds of immune issues. Some studies link low Vitamin D with infertility and miscarriage. Spend some time outside as often as possible. Have your levels checked and find a quality-sourced Vitamin D supplement if you need it.

Bottom line – there are a variety of ways to reap the benefits of these amazing herbs for fertility, and with hope, turn your fertility problems into a thing of the past quickly.

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